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Art historian, teacher, curator. PhD.

Based in Rome, I teach at the fine art academy, after being a docent in high schools and university.

I studied and worked in Italy, France and Finland and my work has been supported by cultural institutions, embassies and the media.


See Projects&Publications for further information.







​Teaching Art History in CLIL, postgraduate certificate, Università degli Studi della Tuscia – MIUR, 2019


2014 - 2015

I Executive Master in Management dell'Arte e dei Beni Culturali, IlSole24Ore Business School



Master in Fundraising and European Union Projects, ArteData Italy, 2011



PhD. in Art History with the research topic The revival of mural painting in Finland and in Italy at the turn of XXth century (supervisors prof. Antonella Sbrilli, La Sapienza University of Rome, and prof. Johanna Vakkari, University of Helsinki)



Diploma of the Higher School of specialisation in Medieval and Modern Art History, University ‘Sapienza’ of Rome (70/70 cum laude)



Art history teaching license by the Italian Ministry of Education



Graduated in Contemporary Art History with the thesis Burne-Jones and his literary sources (110/110 cum laude). Supervisors proff. Marisa Volpi and Antonella Sbrilli


English and French        Advanced
Finnish  and German    Basic


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